
Hey I'am

Full Stack Web Developer



I'm Learnt Full Stack Web Development at Masai School.

Enthusiastic about learning and expressing new technology. An aspiring node developer with knowledge of Express.js, JavaScript, Node.js, MySql, MongoDB, TypeScript and 1200+ hours of practical experience in coding and building numerous scalable websites. Solved 700+ DSA questions. Strong ambition to work as a backend developer to produce valuable solution

1200+ Hours of Coding
700+ DSA Problems
15+ Completed Project




STEAK HOUSE is replica of KFC website which delivers wide range of non-veg items

Tech-stack:HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Featurues:Registration | login | ADD to cart | Logout


Ecommerce website for furniture products , It serves as a virtual storefront where customers can browse, select, and purchase items conveniently from their computers or mobile devices.

Tech-stack:HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Node.js Basic server

Area of Responsibility:Resposible for creating backend json server | Database Managment | Resposible for Admin Pannel | crud operations


We connect allows teams to organize their communication and work in a central location, making it easier to stay connected and collaborate effectively.

Tech-stack: HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Socket.io | Node.js | Redis | Mongoose | Nodemailer | Express

Area of Responsibility:Resposible for creating user server | Database Managment | Resposible for Email-otp-verification | Authentication | Resposible for creating front-end for signup ,login ,otp verification

Typo Tales

Typotales is a replica of typer racer website ,where you can sharpen your typing skills and you can play with your friends

Tech-stack:HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Nodejs | MongoDB | Socket.io | Redis | Express

Area of Responsibility:Resposible for creating Rooms | Responsible server-side logic Building | Resposible for Organising Team | Responsible for carrying responses from events to particular Room


This is Admin Pannel for Ecommerce-website

Tech-stack:HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Area of Responsibility:Resposible for Dashboard,customer,Add products,Products Pages,Dark mode enabled


This is saloon appointment system

Tech-stack:HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Nodejs | Nodemailer | Expressjs | MongoDB

Area of Responsibility:Resposible for appoinment logic server side and guiding and implementation of Email-otp-verification

GitHub Activity

jadaun-sahab stat-card

